Almost come to the end of year 2010,wat is my impression throught out this year?
I am searching and finding it...
Finally,I stopped..
I just realise that this year,it pass very fast...
I refresh back all memories and experiences in the year..
And I found out,there is many things I regret,many lessons I learn..
So,below contain all my experiences that start from January 2010 until Dember 2010.
January 2010.
I worked as part time helper in my aunty office,It is not fun,but I had learn something :-
a)typing using type writer,Haha,this is interesting because I like to hear the typing sound~~tak..tak..tak
b) answer a phone ,At 1st,I will say:Good morning ,Purmac...Please hold on,,,but sometime I will answer,sorry,wrong number...><
c) other extra time I just sit in front of the computer,online + play games...
d)hmm...althought is bored,but i have two kind aunty,Aunty Betty,Aunty miss them
e)everyday,my papa will drive me there and back althought i already have a car license..hoho
f)I like to decorate,So i help them to decorate the office with angpau angpau,cause CNY around the cormer
O.O althought my salary only cost RM 300,but is enought for me,after get my salary,I give 1/6 to my papa,give another 1/5 to my mama..Hehe,1st income wor...left 4 pieces of RM 50.00,i kept it =p
February 2010
CNY for this month,I just enjoy 28 days on this month...Wahaha Angpau Angpau
March 2010
My birthday fall on one of the day in this month. I worked as Customer Service Officer at AC Beauty Lane ,I meet some new friends there...Ah May,full name is Lai mui Mak,people called her May,But i called her sifu....hehe,she is the kind women,she is 40th now but still single,...oh my,I just hope her get married soon..her birthday also same month as me..hehe...
My others friends,Sylvia,Carmen,Cassie,Cindy,Michelle,Annie and Monica^^I miss them too
I had learn many things at there,I learn how to record the data,count their commison,LOL..althought everyday need to clean up the room,mop the floor=.=
On my birthday that day,I eat alone after work,cause my family do not wait for me=.=
Haiz,i never wish for anything for my birthday,i just hope some day,everyone remember my birthday...
This is May Mak presented me...I just DIY by own hands..I just finished it in one day...^^
April 2010
I worked as a part time tuition teacher at my lovely Feon Teacher house^^ Ergh.. I like to teach but i hate naughty students...hehe,At least I feel satisfy and happy learning together with them..^^I miss the moment.
May and June 2010
I started my Business Administration ,Diploma Level in TARC Sabah Branch on 10 May 2010....Of course,first time come to kk alone...but luckly i still have a lovely sister,Tracy beside me^^
Orientation Day let me know more and meet more new friends,The 1st friend i met is Shirley Hoe,Haha
...I also never forget my Group URANUS members,Kho Soon Teck,Rachel,Ah Fung,Ah Tam,Jonathan,Janice,Cynthia and Jacky...We wont the Expo Games during orientation week,won 3nd place in drama during Luxurious Night^^
I like blue..hehe
I meet many new friends here...^^
I i feel happy too because got one lovely cousin live with me,every weekday she drive me to school,drive me back home,I feel so appreciate !!!Everytime we laugh together,watch movie together ,go shopping together,we share our happiness and unsatisfaction..Hoho...most memorable time^^
July 2010
My life just as usual,every day go to class..Haha...BUT...things never always be smooth for me...T.T,my lovely cousin said she wanted to continue her study,then, she found a college,and decided to move futher on...haiz,of course it hard to me to live more laughing voice,Huhu...and we took a 1st picture during her last day at kk....
August 2010
Time pass as usual...Haha,but in this month i went to visit the Lok Kawi Zoo with friends,LOL...the real fact is BORING and HOT ...Haha,But at least I saw an elephants,deer,snakes,bears..and etc...The creation of GOD^^Hoho...exam is start and over at the end of this month
September 2010
Of course ,It was happy to have a friend like Juneli(gor gor zai) ,Shuk Ling and Mic...We go to ONE BORNEO before i go back to Sandakan^^ Haha....althought the day before disappointed about my friends...Haiz they all din kept their promise...thaat we will go to KK box to sing K...Haha,never mind la...It tought me for not to plan and dream so nice about the future...And now, I never dream for it.
I love my home very much..haha,I miss Hihi,Lam Lam and Kiki...oh no...crazy when think about them^^
Haha..miss them badly...
October 2010

New Sems Started....Study life com back again...rush for assignments,tests...ojibala~~~tough enough lo..T.T But ,i also got time to relax..Hehe...I went to Green Connection with my friends...Again...I enjoy the day at there..Hehe

Hehe,feel happy with michael,yee yee,vanessa,cythia and shuk ling XD
The very 1st time go out with friends...At City mall...EAT~~~EAT
Group photo with Liang zai and liang moi..Aiyo
FOrget wat i had eat on that time

Hmm,1st time went to jog with my friends,
Yee yee,Carry, Vincent and ah Bukit Padang...LOLX
Too high and hard for me to climb up de mountain...using stairs....oh my...i so leg no more effort to go down from the mountain...==luckly yee yee held my hand..Aiz,like moi moi zai already..After that,we went to eat ABC,the most cheap and delicious Ais Batu Campur....I want to eat AGAIN...Thanks for the day that ah heng,yee2,carry,ah kang gave me...really happy to live with you guys..THOUSAND THANK YOU^^
November 2010
Time pass very fast,Sometime i will ask GOd...Please slow down the time....huhu..
LALALA...went to Pulau Sapi with my cousin sis szu yii and others church members,din take any photo for it,BUT...
Have a best time for the two days trip to KUNDASANG^^
Took many nice photo , new experience...
LOL...ACT like so cold..wahaha
Jump like So po..hoho
Im not the monkey la

Jump Jump Jump Muahaha
Mr Tsen is my most favourite lecturer..."abuget" comment
Who is the back ground ya actually??
Smile...cant see your face also^^
Celebrate birthday for Vanessa at the 1st time in Lot 8-1...Haha So touch,May God bless Her like Ah Ma la!!!
1st time organised a small party for yee yee,althought at the 1st time already let yee yee knew the plan...ALAMAK..~.~
BUt,as Yee Yee Happy,i also happy..Yee Yee is a brave girl,I know she can^^God bless her very much...
December 2010..
Haha...most updated news is 1st time got a luckly draw present...the no is birthday date oh...wasaiiiii!!!Althought is small...But im still lucky..This is God gave me,He know i lack of Foods..Muahaha,Thanks GOd
Wahaha...This year i got many 1st time in my life...